
Dear Tabby: our catty columnist

Dear Tabby: I am a most gifted man. But whenever I draw attention to my accomplishments people ridicule me. They say I suffer from hubris, which means excessive pride and I  tend to patronize others.  For example when I bravely came out in favor of same-sex marriage, they said it was just an attempt to distract voters from the economy, rather than the world-changing event that it was. I am on the right side of history. What can I do to make people  have greater respect for my achievements? --Puzzled , Pennsylvania Avenue, D.C

Dear Puzzled: First of all,  I know what hubris is, you patronizing prick. Secondly, you are a pathetic  whiner. Get over yourself. I'm sick of  your refusal to take responsibility for your own failures. Thirdly, why should I -- or anybody else-- give a  Fluke  about your self-esteem  when you are a man of little achievement and even less talent. You couldn't organize a piss-up in  a brewery, as the Brits say.
What's the solution? I  recommend hiring  someone to kick the crap  out of you. You will find there are plenty of people  in need of  a job and   who would relish doing so. Works for me.-- Tabby.