Dear Diary: I sent Queen Elizabeth a congratulatory jubilee message today, although I would rather have rolled Churchill's bust down the South Lawn like a bowling ball. Fortunately, I had the bust removed from in the Oval Office, when I first moved in. I must admit to feeling a twinge of envy at the Queen being held in such apparent respect and affection. I, on the other hand, only have to take one day's rest as I did today, to attract the ire of the usual suspects and chants of "git a job" from sightseers around the White House. The ordinary masses in this country who arrogantly refer to themselves as "We the People" -- as though they own the place-- cannot understand that great intellects like mine need adequate space and time to regenerate, both of which I found today in abundance on the golf course, with Joe Biden and Marv, my trip director and factotum ("general servant" to those of you not fortunate enough to have learned Latin.) I am resuming my fundraising travels tomorrow, so I'm having an early night. After tucking in M., saying my usual bedtime prayer to myself, I will pull Boo-boo my blankey from under my pillow and caress my face with his satin edging. Barry luv Boo-boo um-num-um...zzzz