
Barack Obama's Diary:Thingamajig

Dear Diary: A price I pay for being as perfect as I am, is  that if I commit  the slightest fault, like saying 'thingamajig' for 'thermostat' during a speech, as I did today,a tsunami  of  derision washes over me.  In this case,  Twitter memes instantly erupted, and bloggers  brutally mocked me, with slogans like "Hope and Thingamajig," or  "I'm Barack Obama and I approved this thingamajig."  Even Joe Biden doesn't usually attract this level of mockery. The only explanation I have is that most people  are so awestruck  by my intellect that they are confused by any error from Me, however slight that error may be. Tomorrow, I go fund-raising in the Small Snapple, as Me and the rest of the hip crowd call New York, after  Mayor Bloomberg banned extra-large sodas.  I've already tucked up Michelle in bed, as is my wont. It's getting late. Time to make my way to the Presidential Tempurpedic, say a prayer to myself and cuddle-up with M. and my blankey, Boo-boo. Barry luv Boo-boo-majig, um-num-num-um...zzzzz...