
Barack Obama's Diary: Exhaustion

Dear Diary: There are days in this job when I feel almost as exhausted as a Chicago teacher at the end of a three-month vacation.  Doing nothing -- as teachers and academics know -- can be immensely tiring. I had a day off Monday. Tuesday will be a real endurance test, a minute's silence on the South Lawn, a visit to the  Pentagon 9/11 observance ceremony and then  a visit to wounded troops at Walter Reed Hospital.  Not even round of golf to ease the pressure. Mittman and Ryan appeared in my dreams last night but seemed oddly subdued. Maybe that was due to my well-deserved  poll bounce from the convention. Never, ever underestimate my incredible genius. On the other hand, my blankey, Boo-boo, may have struck terror into their cold hearts. Time for bed.  Barry luv Boo-boo, um-num-num-um, zzzzz...