"Black people are the most talented people in the world. I, it’s, I can’t explain it. You can’t sit in this room and not watch Gladys Knight sing and go like, 'Golly, what in the world?'" Jamie Foxx told the NAACP Image Awards.
Noel Sheppard at the Media Research Center asks: "Can you imagine the heat a white actor would get if he said at a nationally televised awards ceremony, "White people are the most talented people in the world? Probably the end of his or her career. But a week has past since this occurred, and I bet this is the first you're hearing about it. Don't kick yourself, for a Google search turned up absolutely nothing on this. Totally slipped under the radar." Read more:
Noel Sheppard at the Media Research Center asks: "Can you imagine the heat a white actor would get if he said at a nationally televised awards ceremony, "White people are the most talented people in the world? Probably the end of his or her career. But a week has past since this occurred, and I bet this is the first you're hearing about it. Don't kick yourself, for a Google search turned up absolutely nothing on this. Totally slipped under the radar." Read more: