The Energy Department has approved four more solar energy loan guarantees worth nearly $5 billion, hours before a controversial loan program was set to expire. The timing is an affront to all taxpayers, coming just as the Justice Department was moving to take away control of failed solar panel maker Solyndra from its management and transfer it to a court-appointed trustee. No surprise if we get burned again, for $5 billion this time.
Obama fundraisers 'tied to green firms that received federal cash'
The MSM are at last waking up to the huge implications of Solyndra and Energygate. ABC reports:
"Several of Barack Obama's top campaign supporters went from soliciting political contributions to working from within the Energy Department as it showered billions in taxpayer-backed stimulus money on alternative energy firms, ABC News and iWatch News have learned.
"One of them was Steven J. Spinner, a high-tech consultant and energy investor who raised at least $500,000 for the candidate. He became one of Energy Secretary Steven Chu's key loan program advisors while his wife's law firm represented a number of companies that had applied for loans." Read the full ABC report.
Doug Ross has been following this story closely and has an excellent take on the situation here.
With Congressional Republicans now digging into the affair, it looks like a real game-changer.
"Several of Barack Obama's top campaign supporters went from soliciting political contributions to working from within the Energy Department as it showered billions in taxpayer-backed stimulus money on alternative energy firms, ABC News and iWatch News have learned.
"One of them was Steven J. Spinner, a high-tech consultant and energy investor who raised at least $500,000 for the candidate. He became one of Energy Secretary Steven Chu's key loan program advisors while his wife's law firm represented a number of companies that had applied for loans." Read the full ABC report.
Doug Ross has been following this story closely and has an excellent take on the situation here.
With Congressional Republicans now digging into the affair, it looks like a real game-changer.
Dung Beetle Award No.2 goes to...
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Busy week for Mr Dung Beetle |
Germans bristle at Obama's 'arrogance'
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Obama-- 'arrogant' |
The World's Greatest Diplomat has riled another country. Spiegel reports President Obama has put some German noses seriously out of joint by lecturing Europe on the dangers of its debt crisis. German commentators dismissed the remarks as 'arrogant and absurd.' More here
Obama may be 'worst Presidential threat to liberties in our history'
President Obama may prove the most disastrous president in our history in terms of civil liberties, writes Jonathan Turley in the LA Times. Turley, Professor of Law at GWU, writes:
Ironically, had Obama been defeated in 2008, it is likely that an alliance for civil liberties might have coalesced and effectively fought the government's burgeoning police powers. A Gallup poll released this week shows 49% of Americans, a record since the poll began asking this question in 2003, believe that "the federal government poses an immediate threat to individuals' rights and freedoms." Yet the Obama administration long ago made a cynical calculation that it already had such voters in the bag and tacked to the right on this issue to show Obama was not "soft" on terror. He assumed that, yet again, civil libertarians might grumble and gripe but, come election day, they would not dare stay home.This calculation may be wrong. Read the whole thing.
Christie may run after all
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Christie--'responding to pleas' [via NY Post] |
Iran to execute pastor for being Christian
"It takes no guts or brains for Hollywood liberals (hello, Alec Baldwin) and America-bashing Brit journalists (hello, U.K. Guardian editors) to bemoan the execution of a convicted Death Row cop-killer who was able to pursue every last legal avenue for more than two decades, writes Michelle Malkin. "It tells you everything about their selective outrage that they have nothing to say about the latest impending execution in Iran of a Christian pastor" Read it all.
New study clouds climate alarm
Plants consume carbon dioxide 25% faster than previously thought, according to a new international study. Climate alarmists' whole scientific model could be flawed. Who knew?
Our Dung Beetle Award Goes to...
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...'patriotic' billionaires asking for your donation [ more at Legal Insurrection] |
Facts show Obama tax claim untrue
President Obama's claim that he pays a lower tax rate than a teacher making $50,000 a year isn't true. A single taxpayer with $50,000 of income would have paid 11.9% in federal income taxes for 2010, while the Obamas paid more than twice that rate — 25.3% (and higher rates than that in 2009 and 2008). And if the $50,000-a-year teacher were in Obama's tax situation — supporting a spouse and two children — he or she would have paid no federal income taxes at all.
Read the whole article.
Read the whole article.
Australian court rules against top blogger
News from Michelle Malkin of a dismaying verdict against Andrew Bolt (see my blog roll) Australia's pre-eminent conservative blogger. I emailed an old Sydney friend, a veteran journalist and a staunch conservative, about it. He writes: "The worst aspect, for me, apart from feeling utterly outraged, is that "law" deems that hurt feelings are now more important than statements of fact. Even worse, I feel fearful about the truly sinister, Orwellian implications of this decision. Hopefully Bolt will appeal."
Obama faces 'titanic struggle'
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In Obama's titanic struggle who's going to be the iceberg? |
BHO wins our Yikes! Prize
Michelle Malkin writes: "Obama told a Portland crowd over the weekend that Iran doesn’t “pose a serious threat to us”–cluelessly arguing that “tiny countries” with small defense budgets can’t do us harm." Yikes.
Why Obama is patently wrong

With Cain 'everyone gains'
Dick Morris on Herman Cain:
"Here is a man who offers an alternative to Obama’s class warfare. His life story shows that Obama’s route to the top — through affirmative action, community organizing, and a climb up the political ladder — is not the only one available to minorities. His combination of hard work in the private sector, entrepreneurial initiative, and managerial skill can also get you there. He embraces the successful as role models not as objects of envy. He does not hate rich people. He wants us all to become rich."
Saudi women be allowed a glimpse of normalcy
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Ladies In Black |
Obama scolds blacks as his poll numbers crash through the floor
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"Ya'll up there? Stop complainin', stop cryin', and put on your marchin' shoes!" |
Florida Republicans board the Cain train
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Cain -- can he do it again? |
Florida has rebelled against recent trends by putting Herman Cain ahead of Rick Perry and Mitt Romney in the GOP straw poll. He won 37 percent of 2,600 votes..
No disputin' Mr. Putin
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"Told yah" |
Obama earns lowest-ever poll approval rating
President Obama has received his lowest approval rating ever in The Economist/youGov poll.
Even Democrats are hesitant to describe the President as “effective,” with only 28% of them doing so.
Even Democrats are hesitant to describe the President as “effective,” with only 28% of them doing so.
Dung Beetle Award goes to...
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" I'd like to thank the Academy..." |
This Dung Beetle Award goes to Alec Baldwin and his Twitter followers for their nauseating tweets about Michelle Malkin.
Perry shot himself in the foot
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Perry -- misfired |
New EPA rule leaves asthma sufferers gasping
More 'climate-change' insanity: The EPA is to ban over-the-counter inhalers, leaving asthmatics gasping at the prospect of paying 30-60% more for "environmentally friendly" prescription inhalers.
Fleeing Obama
Scientists at the CERN laboratory in Switzerland say they have transmitted particles that exceeded the speed of light.
Nah...they're just Democrats fleeing Obama.
Nah...they're just Democrats fleeing Obama.
Plunge in Obama's African-American support
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"Bo, don't you dare quit" |
The Marx brother
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" Me? Inept?" |
Hillary Clinton seems to be positioning herself to pounce when polls put her far enough ahead of Obama for her to "reluctantly" run against him to prevent a Republican avalanche . Even she would be preferable to this Marx brother.
President Ego greets the World
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Bam making waves |
[ Image: Getty Images, via Msnbc Photoblog]
Steve Forbes: Perry will win the Presidency
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Perry -- a winner? |
Palin makes surprise gain on Obama
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"That hopey-changey stuff still workin' for ya?" |
Houston, we have a problem
Gawker reports that the second man on the Moon, 81-year-old Buzz Aldrin, has left the orbit of his wife Lois to dock with 51-year-old Michelle Sucillon. Go figure.
[Image of Buzz and Lois via Getty, Michelle via Facebook]
[Image of Buzz and Lois via Getty, Michelle via Facebook]
Sssshh! Obama's Open Partnership isn't
Two senior officials briefed reporters on the eve of the unveiling of President Obama’s Open Government Partnership. But under rules set by the State Department, the officials could not be identified by name, AP reports.
Obama's new math for dummies
Chris Wysocki explains why Obama's new math just doesn't add up: If you earn $200,000 per year you are a millionaire
Obama advised: Withdraw from 2012 race
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"It's me, run for your life!" |
Soap and change
Squeegee men, the aggressive and sometimes sinister panhandlers who used to wash car windows in New York whether you wanted them to, or not, are back. Hope and Change wiped away their regular jobs.
Rat me out, won't you
Inspired by Keith Koffler at White House Dossier, I have installed a convenient link (top right) for readers to rat me out to the Thought Police at Attackwatch for indelicate items I post about Barack Obama.
Questionable Quotes
Words you'll never hear:
"I'm wrong"
--Barack Obama
"Hold the fries"
--Michelle Obama
"Why of course, Mr President"
-- John Boehner
-- Paris Hilton
"I'm wrong"
--Barack Obama
"Hold the fries"
--Michelle Obama
"Why of course, Mr President"
-- John Boehner
-- Paris Hilton
Bill laughs off Hillary 2012 challenge
Banksters flee Wall Street as protesters move in
Time for a Day of Reckoning

Why Beer is Better than Barack Obama
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A toast to the reader who shared this: Why Beer is Better than Barack Obama. |
The Robots are coming! The Robots are coming!
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Give... Me... your... job |
Honey, we shrunk the President
A new CBS News/New York poll finds that President Obama's overall approval rating has dropped to 43 percent, the lowest so far of his presidency in CBS News polling. In addition, his disapproval rating has reached an all-time high of 50 percent.
Solargate turns up the heat on WH
The bankruptcy of Solyndra is looking even worse for the White [would-be Green] House.
Let them eat carrots

Climate bore suffocates entire globe
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"We're all doomed...doomed, I say." |
Nobel physicist melts global warming claim

Who let the puppies out?
You Couldn't Make This Stuff Up Department : President Obama’s campaign team has set up a new Web site, to receive reports of negative statements about the president and to challenge them. I have already heard it suggested that this is intended to intimidate bloggers and other critics. Judging from the above video, it is having the reverse effect. I reported in August what Obama thinks of "little" blogs.
You Couldn't Make This Stuff Up Department : President Obama’s campaign team has set up a new Web site, to receive reports of negative statements about the president and to challenge them. I have already heard it suggested that this is intended to intimidate bloggers and other critics. Judging from the above video, it is having the reverse effect. I reported in August what Obama thinks of "little" blogs.
Exclusive photo! History's smallest monster
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Krugman (left) held by minor guru |
Prince Charles to become bearded prophet of doom
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We're doomed, I tell you! |
Obama casts spell to raise economy from death
Barack Obama used powerful magic today to convince media that he has brought the economy back from the dead. He cast a spell over reporters in the Rose Garden by waving over them the pages of an alleged "American Jobs Act," a stack of paper held together by a single bulldog clip [see above]. It was unclear if the pages inside were blank. While it is obvious from the screenshot that VP Joe Biden was immediately hypnotized, it is not yet clear if the magic worked on all the others present.
Guffaw of the Day
"It isn’t often you hear the words “Al Gore” and “reality” in the same sentence in any place that doesn’t have straps on the beds..."
-- Doug Powers at Michelle Malkin's blog.
-- Doug Powers at Michelle Malkin's blog.
Solyndra for Dummies
Don't miss this 5-panel cartoon guide for financial dummies, like me, that neatly explains the Obama-inspired loss of millions in public funds in a "green" company, Solyndra, which promptly turned belly-up. Socialism in action. (h/t Pajamas Media).
Caption Contest Winner
- 2. "Pass this Bo!" [Runner-up: R.K., Vermont)
- 3. " Bo, stop! There's enough crap flying around the White House already" [A.G., Warwickshire, UK]
- 4. " Boehner ... I mean, Bo ... Heel ! " [M.R., New York]
- To all who entered: A warm thank you!
Requiem in Pace
Below, I post a rendition of Mozart's Requiem -- in which I once sang as a treble -- which tells you how long ago that was. It is a moving contrast to Nanny Bloomberg's atheist memorial.
As for 9/11 words, I can't do better than this link to Chris Wysocki at Wyblog who has a powerful post and a good round-up of Blogospheric reaction.
As for 9/11 words, I can't do better than this link to Chris Wysocki at Wyblog who has a powerful post and a good round-up of Blogospheric reaction.
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