
Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary: Good Day, bad day. Joe put his foot in his mouth again (sigh..) calling Mitt Romney "Senator" Romney  in a speech.  How long before Sloe Joe refers to me as President Osama? But there was good news, too, as Dean Singleton, President of Associated Press puckered  up, revealing himself  at lunch -- perhaps too obviously--  to be part of what Carney calls the KAM or Kiss Ass Media whom we can usually rely on for favorable commentary. 
 My  thinly-veiled warning to the upstart Supreme Court seems to have  passed without a major outcry.  My interpretation  of "Nice place you've got here. You don't want anything to happen to it..." was very ingenious, though I say so myself, and I do.  Michelle is saying that it's late, which it is. It's time to shut the laptop,  and say a prayer of gratitude to myself.  Marvin my body man has put Boo-boo, my blankie, under my pillow so I can suck my thumb and  caress my cheeks if I wake from a nightmare of  being   placed in shackles in a Supreme Court dungeon and  force-fed broccoli by Antonin Scalia. (Note to self: Get Jarrett to find out if Supreme Court has dungeon. If so, get it filled in and concreted over.) And so to bed.