Dear Diary: David 'The Ax' Axelrod has been doing damage control today over the GSA scandal, saying on Meet the Press that I was "apoplectic" with anger over it. Rather, I was incandescent 25-watt compact-fluorescent with rage-- to be PC about it. [Note to historians: I am always PC.] There is no doubt -- since I am, infallible-- that I am surrounded by "bloody incompetents" -- a phrase I picked up from Mr Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, who used it to describe the U.S. Secret Service after they managed to get one of our limos stuck on a British railroad crossing. If I had paid attention to the old geezer, I would have been able to clean house before the Colombia prostitute debacle. Time for bed and Boo-boo, my blankey who is certainly not bloody incompetent. Barry love Boo-boo um-num-num-um.