
Barack Obama's Diary: Jubilee Day

Dear Diary: I saw a few minutes of Queen Elizabeth's Jubilee on TV today. One thing I'll grant those evil, colonialist Brits is that they know how to treat their Head of State. [Note to self: Ask Valerie Jarrett to arrange a 1000-boat pageant on the Potomac  to celebrate  my re-election.]  I can see Me and Michelle,  seated on gilded  thrones on a special Presidential barge, Navy One, leading a vast parade of watercraft and waving graciously to assembled  masses of  our subjects on the riverbanks, the adoring crowds replying by rapturously waving thousands of Old Glories, accompanied by  a multitude of bands  along the route playing Hail to the Chef Chief .  That would be an event worthy of the nation's Fourth Greatest President. We'll give Joe a rowboat to  follow us. He appreciates  such little kindnesses.
After a night at the  family residence in Chicago, I must admit that it's good to get back to the presidential Tempurpedic.  I've tucked up Michelle, as is my habit, and I  will soon say a prayer to myself, close the laptop and slide into bed, there to sleep, dreaming of my pageant, while clutching Boo-boo my blankey to avoid nightmares of Mitt torpedoing my beautiful presidential barge. Barry luv Boo-boo Um-num-num-um zzzzzz...