
Barack Obama's Diary

The massive storm that  hit DC Friday night provided some welcome relief from both the  political and physical  heat.  A bonus:  it knocked some of the peskier Internet  inhabitants off the grid for a couple days.  But DC remains largely dark. Seeing as this might be seen as my Katrina, I summoned all my considerable intellectual power, cast my eyes over the darkened city  and commanded: "Let there be light." And, behold, there was no light. Nor may there be light for several days. It seems there are limits even to my  powers. Jarrett and Axelrod want me to be seen in a leadership role amid the disruption. But what  can I  be seen to be doing? Directing traffic at an intersection with disabled  traffic lights? Hardly. 
 I favor the idea of commandeering some TV  prime time and blaming it all on Bush's lack of infrastructure-spending. Meanwhile,  unlike the sweating masses, we have power, light and air conditioning here in the White House. To the truly great, such as myself, come great  rewards. I have tucked up Michelle in the Presidentopedic and I am  now heading there myself to pull my precious blankey, Boo-boo,  from beneath my pillow and surrender to his satin-edged charms. Barry luv Boo-boo, um-num-num-um zzzzzz...