
Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary: This is The Life! Resting at Camp David while the peons sweat in DC.....  Breakfast... zzzzzz......Lunch.....zzzzzzzzzzzzz...... Dinner: Michelle requested a side of broccolli which  she  is now officially calling Baraccolli. Suddenly the flavor, aroma, and texture are so irresistible, I was moved to have a second serving. I have to be back in DC tomorrow for the patriotic optics of The Fourth of July when I will lead my millions of  admiring subjects in the day's festivities . I'll now watch another episode of Storage Wars on the DVR (Barry Weiss reminds me of Joe) then, early to bed. Boo-boo-Two, my  back-up blankey awaits. Barry luv Boo-boo-Two...um-num-num-um...zzzzzzz...