
Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary: Another day with fly-over folks on a visit to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where I bestowed  myself upon an appreciative crowd. I followed this with the obligatory photo-op stop,  this time visiting  an ice cream parlor for  green-colored mint chocolate chip ice cream  in a waffle cone. Yum. Problems may come if M. sees the pictures and  instructs the White House kitchen to make  me some green ice cream, probably out of liquidized Baraccoli  and peppermint extract.  After the ice cream I returned to Air Force One for the flight home.  I always enjoy landing in Marine One  at the White House and saluting graciously as I disembark, as befits great leaders such as my remarkable Self. I was a half-hour  late for  dinner with M. and the girls and M., happily,seemed unaware of my culinary transgression. Time for bed now, I've tucked up M.,  as is my wont, and will slide into the faithful Presidentopedic, pull Boo-boo my blankey from under my pillow and drift off to sleep. Barry luv Boo-boo, um-num-num-um..zzzzzz