For transcription, dictated by phone en route from the White House to Virginia Beach: After this next campaign appearance I'm devoting the weekend to practicing for the debates, and , with my ability to speed-learn and my superbly agile mind, I will then be able to wipe the floor with Mitt. Wait... wait...I gotta take a call from that pesky Netanyahu:
"Yo Bibi, I've asked you before not to call me again unless World War 3 is about to start... what do you mean 'it is and it's all my fault?' Bush's fault, maybe. You're here until Saturday and if you don't get to meet me face-to-face you'll fly home and attack Iran ASAP? ...errr... OK, Bibi. Valerie Jarrett and see if there's a gap in my ...errr...schedule. Bibi?... Bibi? I do believe the rat bastard hung up on me. Now where was I with my diary? Ah yes... the debate rehearsals...
"Yo Bibi, I've asked you before not to call me again unless World War 3 is about to start... what do you mean 'it is and it's all my fault?' Bush's fault, maybe. You're here until Saturday and if you don't get to meet me face-to-face you'll fly home and attack Iran ASAP? ...errr... OK, Bibi. Valerie Jarrett and see if there's a gap in my ...errr...schedule. Bibi?... Bibi? I do believe the rat bastard hung up on me. Now where was I with my diary? Ah yes... the debate rehearsals...