By dictation for later transcription.
Dear Diary: I had a long errr...meetin' with Hillary today. Man, does she talk...but she has a lot of splainin' to do over the lack of security in errr...Benghazi. The anti-Islam video narrative worked well for a while but that cover has now been blown. Maybe she should try my explanation of my reticence durin' my debate with Mittman: that I was too polite. She could say that she was too polite to insult the Libyans' abilities by keepin' a large US security team in place ready to defend the consulate. With the Mittman makin' strong gains in national opinion polls, he's again accumulated the power of invadin' my dreams each night with Ryan, both cackling with glee and kicking sand in my face. A pox on them, I say.
Dear Diary: I had a long errr...meetin' with Hillary today. Man, does she talk...but she has a lot of splainin' to do over the lack of security in errr...Benghazi. The anti-Islam video narrative worked well for a while but that cover has now been blown. Maybe she should try my explanation of my reticence durin' my debate with Mittman: that I was too polite. She could say that she was too polite to insult the Libyans' abilities by keepin' a large US security team in place ready to defend the consulate. With the Mittman makin' strong gains in national opinion polls, he's again accumulated the power of invadin' my dreams each night with Ryan, both cackling with glee and kicking sand in my face. A pox on them, I say.