Keith Koffler says Romney should refuse to co-operate with Obama: "Obama ran the dirtiest, lowest, most malignant campaign I have seen in my lifetime...He said not just that Romney was wrong, but that he was a liar. He suggested Romney was a heartless bastard who cared only about his wealthy country club friends. He let his allies run an ad that linked Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital to a woman’s death. His campaign left the impression Romney had cheated on his taxes. Romney, Obama’s campaign claimed, was waging a “war on women.”
In terms of policy, Obama’s campaign was not about much. It was, instead, about destroying a good man’s character. If that man, Mitt Romney, decides now to cooperate with Obama, what Romney will really be doing is dismissing the whole campaign as a meaningless exercise and condoning such dirty tactics as a template for the future. What Obama did was unacceptable. And Romney shouldn’t accept it..." Read it all.
In terms of policy, Obama’s campaign was not about much. It was, instead, about destroying a good man’s character. If that man, Mitt Romney, decides now to cooperate with Obama, what Romney will really be doing is dismissing the whole campaign as a meaningless exercise and condoning such dirty tactics as a template for the future. What Obama did was unacceptable. And Romney shouldn’t accept it..." Read it all.