Ted Cruz Sez...
"America needs a president who will say “under no circumstances will the nation of Iran be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons and either Iran will stop or America will stop them.” Read more:
Joke of the Day...
I bought the my wife a hamster-skin coat last week. Went to the fair, and it took me 3 hours to get her off the Ferris wheel. [RK]
How Obama is losing Iraq
ISIS car bombed Baghdad yesterday and they are entrenching themselves in Ramadi while Josh Earnest talks of our supposed “success”. The U.S. is losing because we are not even engaged. The sole contribution we are making is a PC bombing campaign that has allowed ISIS to expand and strengthen their recruiting efforts.
The U.S. administration’s rules of engagement are mostly stand down orders.
If ISIS wins Iraq, and it’s beginning to look likely, they will have won because the U.S. chose to only pretend to fight.
The U.S. administration’s rules of engagement are mostly stand down orders.
If ISIS wins Iraq, and it’s beginning to look likely, they will have won because the U.S. chose to only pretend to fight.
Saudis 'already getting nukes'
Citing unnamed senior administration officials, The Times of London is reporting that Saudi Arabia has in fact followed up on its threats and made the “strategic decision” to get nukes from Pakistan, whose nuclear program Riyadh has paid for through the years. Some highlights:
“For the Saudis the moment has come,” a former American defence official said last week.
“There has been a longstanding agreement in place with the Pakistanis and the House of Saud has now made the strategic decision to move forward.”
While the official did not believe “any actual weaponry has been transferred yet”, it was clear “the Saudis mean what they say and they will do what they say”, following last month’s Iranian outline nuclear deal. His assessment was echoed by a US intelligence official who said “hundreds of people at Langley”, the CIA’s headquarters, were working to establish whether or not Pakistan had already supplied nuclear technology or even weaponry to Saudi Arabia.
“We know this stuff is available to them off the shelf,” the intelligence official said. Asked whether the Saudis had decided to become a nuclear power, the official responded: “That has to be the assumption.”
“For the Saudis the moment has come,” a former American defence official said last week.
“There has been a longstanding agreement in place with the Pakistanis and the House of Saud has now made the strategic decision to move forward.”
While the official did not believe “any actual weaponry has been transferred yet”, it was clear “the Saudis mean what they say and they will do what they say”, following last month’s Iranian outline nuclear deal. His assessment was echoed by a US intelligence official who said “hundreds of people at Langley”, the CIA’s headquarters, were working to establish whether or not Pakistan had already supplied nuclear technology or even weaponry to Saudi Arabia.
“We know this stuff is available to them off the shelf,” the intelligence official said. Asked whether the Saudis had decided to become a nuclear power, the official responded: “That has to be the assumption.”
Ted Cruz sez...

demand it before we can judge any nuclear deal President Obama may strike with Tehran." [ECS]
If Iraqi attitudes don't change, ISIS 'will triumph'
If Iraqi attitudes don't change, the war against Islamic State is lost, writes Doyle McManus of The LA Times. And Iraqi attitudes don't appear likely to change without more pressure from the United States — whether it comes from Obama or, 20 months from now, his unlucky successor. Read it all. [BJS]
Barack Obama's Diary: My dazzling deal with Iran
Dear Diary: I am finding it increasingly vexatious the way others, like the Clintons, seem to attract media attention like flypaper attracts flies. I think it may be time to allow someone like Andrea Mitchell to 'accidentally' overhear some of my breakfast phone-calls from high-profile individuals like Bibi, Vlad, al-Baghdadi and Iran's Ayatolla with whom I often exchange views over my Honeynut Cheerios. All of which reminds me that I must tell Valjar that I promised Bibi some more F35s and bunker-busters to stop him from kvetching about my dazzling nuclear deal with Iran.
President Zero..the dramatic evidence
TG, our eagle-eyed Alaska contributor sends this:
During the 3-1/2 years of World War II, that started with the
Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941
and ended with the Surrender of Germany and Japan in 1945,
"We the People of the USA" produced the following:
22 aircraft carriers,
8 battleships,
48 cruisers,
349 destroyers,
420 destroyer escorts,
203 submarines,
34 million tons of merchant ships,
100,000 fighter aircraft,
98,000 bombers,
24,000 transport aircraft,
58,000 training aircraft,
93,000 tanks,
257,000 artillery pieces,
105,000 mortars,
3,000,000 machine guns,
and 2,500,000 military trucks.
We put 16.1 million men in uniform in the various armed services,
invaded Africa,
invaded Sicily and Italy,
won the battle for the Atlantic,
planned and executed D-Day,
marched across the Pacific and Europe,
developed the atomic bomb,
and ultimately, with our allies,
conquered Japan and Germany.
It's worth noting,
that during the almost exact amount of time,
the Obama Administration couldn't even build a
medical insurance web site that worked .
During the 3-1/2 years of World War II, that started with the
Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941
and ended with the Surrender of Germany and Japan in 1945,
"We the People of the USA" produced the following:
22 aircraft carriers,
8 battleships,
48 cruisers,
349 destroyers,
420 destroyer escorts,
203 submarines,
34 million tons of merchant ships,
100,000 fighter aircraft,
98,000 bombers,
24,000 transport aircraft,
58,000 training aircraft,
93,000 tanks,
257,000 artillery pieces,
105,000 mortars,
3,000,000 machine guns,
and 2,500,000 military trucks.
We put 16.1 million men in uniform in the various armed services,
invaded Africa,
invaded Sicily and Italy,
won the battle for the Atlantic,
planned and executed D-Day,
marched across the Pacific and Europe,
developed the atomic bomb,
and ultimately, with our allies,
conquered Japan and Germany.
It's worth noting,
that during the almost exact amount of time,
the Obama Administration couldn't even build a
medical insurance web site that worked .
The media's sinister Bin Laden blind eye
SEYMOUR HERSH HAS DONE THE PUBLIC a great service by breathing life into questions surrounding the official narrative of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Yet instead of trying to build off the details of his story, or to disprove his assertions with additional reporting, journalists have largely attempted to tear down the messenger.
Barrels of ink have been spilled ripping apart Hersh’s character, while barely any follow-up reporting has been done to corroborate or refute his claims—even though there’s no doubt that the Obama administration has repeatedly misinformed and misled the public about the incident. Even less attention has been paid to the little follow-up reporting that we did get, which revealed that the CIA likely lied about its role in finding bin Laden, which it used to justify torture to the public. [BJS]
How true is this version of the killing of Osama?
Adnan Khan explains why Seymour Hersh’s controversial story about the al Qaeda leader’s killing could be true—and demands our attention. Read it all [BJS]
Smile of the Day [3]
Flying on Air Force One, Obama looked at Oprah, chuckled and said, "You know, I could throw a $1,000 bill out of a window right now and make somebody very happy."
Oprah shrugged and replied, "I could throw ten $100 bills out of a window and make ten people very happy.. "
Michelle added, "That being the case, I could throw one hundred $10 bills out of a window and make a hundred people very happy.. "
Hearing this, the captain rolled his eyes and said to his first officer: "Such big-shots back there. I could throw all of them out of a window and make 56 million people very happy." [ECS]
Oprah shrugged and replied, "I could throw ten $100 bills out of a window and make ten people very happy.. "
Michelle added, "That being the case, I could throw one hundred $10 bills out of a window and make a hundred people very happy.. "
Hearing this, the captain rolled his eyes and said to his first officer: "Such big-shots back there. I could throw all of them out of a window and make 56 million people very happy." [ECS]
Smile of the Day [1]
What's the difference between Obama and God?
God doesn't think he's Obama.
God doesn't think he's Obama.
Smile of the Day [2]
Bill Clinton is jogging around DC. A ho sees him and yells out, "Fifty dollars!" He's tempted, but calls back, "Five!" She turns away while Bill continues his jog.
A few days later, Bill is jogging in the same area and sees the same ho. "Fifty!" she yells. "Five!" he answers her. No sale.
The next week, Hillary decides to go jogging with Bill. They're running through the same area, and the ho is there again. She sees Bill and Hillary together and yells: "See what you get for five dollars?" [ECS]
A few days later, Bill is jogging in the same area and sees the same ho. "Fifty!" she yells. "Five!" he answers her. No sale.
The next week, Hillary decides to go jogging with Bill. They're running through the same area, and the ho is there again. She sees Bill and Hillary together and yells: "See what you get for five dollars?" [ECS]
Ted Cruz sez...

"The Obama Administration has repeatedly assured Members of Congress that there is nothing in the Trade Act of 2015 that would allow the President to unilaterally make changes to federal immigration laws. I agree, and we should put it in writing and make it binding law," said Cruz. "I am a strong supporter of free trade, but I cannot support legislation that would allow the President to once again circumvent Congress to enact his own immigration laws. Since the Obama Administration has emphatically argued that TPA will not affect immigration, it should support this amendment, which makes that promise explicit." [ECS]
Joke of the Day...
A Community Activist, a Race-Baiter and a Straw Man walk into a bar
and the bartender says: “Hello, Mr. President."
and the bartender says: “Hello, Mr. President."
Student failed for refusing to declare Jesus a 'myth'
A professor at Polk State College has allegedly failed a humanities student after she refused to concede that Jesus is a “myth” or that Christianity oppresses women, during a series of mandatory assignments at the Florida college. [ECS]
Notable and Quotable
Thomas Sowell at his best, distilling fundamental truths that shock politically correct sensibilities:
You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization — including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility, and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain — without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large. Non-judgmental subsidies of counterproductive lifestyles are treating people as if they were livestock, to be fed and tended by others in a welfare state — and yet expecting them to develop as human beings have developed when facing the challenges of life themselves.
Read the whole thing. [BJS]
You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization — including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility, and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain — without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large. Non-judgmental subsidies of counterproductive lifestyles are treating people as if they were livestock, to be fed and tended by others in a welfare state — and yet expecting them to develop as human beings have developed when facing the challenges of life themselves.
Read the whole thing. [BJS]
Ted Cruz sez...

ER visits soar under ObamaCare
Surprise, surprise...Backers of ObamaCare have said it would reduce the number of visits to emergency rooms, The Wall Street Journal notes, but in fact, a poll of ER doctors finds that number has been climbing. "Visits are going up despite the (Affordable Care Act), and in a lot of cases because of it," a spokesman for the American College of Emergency Physicians tells the Journal. The findings come from a March poll of 2,098 doctors, three-quarters of whom said they'd seen ER visits increase since January 2014. Last year, less than half of doctors polled noted an increase.
China and India now dominate US immigration
Move over, Mexico. When it comes to sending immigrants to the U.S., China and India have taken the lead.
China was the country of origin for 147,000 recent U.S. immigrants in 2013, while Mexico sent just 125,000, according to a Census Bureau study by researcher Eric Jensen and others. India, with 129,000 immigrants, also topped Mexico,
China was the country of origin for 147,000 recent U.S. immigrants in 2013, while Mexico sent just 125,000, according to a Census Bureau study by researcher Eric Jensen and others. India, with 129,000 immigrants, also topped Mexico,
Irony of the week...
Sorry, Libs, but It turns out that three of the six supposedly 'racist' cops arrested after the death of Freddie Gray are African-American.
Progress Report For: Patient 540463: Obama, Barack, H.
May 2. 2015: Valerie Jarrett called just as I was sitting down to a carefully assembled lunch from Dr Phil's diet book. Patient is suffering a massive psychotic break. "The People are demanding that I go to Baltimore to help calm things down," he told me in the privacy of the family apartment. "Are they nuts?" he asked, flinging himself onto the hideous brown sofa. "Have you seen the news clips from there?" That's a downright dangerous place to be. I discussed with my media guys the possibility of just circling the city in Air Force One at very low altitude as a means of striking awe into the hearts of young thugs, without getting in range
"I wouldn't do it" said Josh Earnest. "Imagine if a few ingenious photographers managing to get a shot of riots with AF1 in the background. "That would destroy the narrative we have carefully created of you as the wise ruler of millions, far above the fray." As a consolation, Patient has now decided that all who serve him should display a warrant, in the manner of suppliers to the British Royal family --Dictated by S.H. Rink M.D., Psychiatrist and purveyor of medications to his Imperial Majesty, Barack H. Obama.
"I wouldn't do it" said Josh Earnest. "Imagine if a few ingenious photographers managing to get a shot of riots with AF1 in the background. "That would destroy the narrative we have carefully created of you as the wise ruler of millions, far above the fray." As a consolation, Patient has now decided that all who serve him should display a warrant, in the manner of suppliers to the British Royal family --Dictated by S.H. Rink M.D., Psychiatrist and purveyor of medications to his Imperial Majesty, Barack H. Obama.
'Crap cannon' thwarts thugs
Police in troubled cities such as Baltimore, and Ferguson, are reportedly stocking up on a riot control substance called Skunk. Technically nontoxic but incredibly disgusting, it has been described as a cross between “dead animal and human excrement." Israeli Defense Forces developed Skunk in 2008 as a crowd-control weapon. Now Mistral, a company out of Bethesda, Maryland, is providing it to police departments in the United States. A BBC video shows its first use in action, sprayed by a hose, a system that has come to be known as the “crap cannon". Mistral reps say Skunk, once deployed, can only be neutralized with a special soap.
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