Obama creates new national monument
President Barack Obama is creating a new national monument. Think Progress reports that it's a Civil War fort. Instead, how about a giant hole dedicated to the memory of all those innocent billions of dollars sunk in Obama's failed stimulus?
Who's trying to stain Herman Cain?
Herman Cain has now specifically denied inappropriate behavior while he was with a restaurant trade group.
Meanwhile, we must draw our own conclusions about the source of the smear. Logic suggests the Dems would have kept their powder dry in case he was confirmed as the GOP candidate. Who could possibly gain by it now? Just askin'...
Meanwhile, we must draw our own conclusions about the source of the smear. Logic suggests the Dems would have kept their powder dry in case he was confirmed as the GOP candidate. Who could possibly gain by it now? Just askin'...
The smears begin against Cain
We were warned that the 2012 presidential race would be be the mother of all dirty campaigns. It has started already with a claim that complaints of "inappropriate" behavior were made against Herman Cain in the 1990s. On the bright side, it's better for the Hermanator to deal with this now rather than later. More here.
UPDATE 1: Cain campaign disputes Politico report
Update 2: The Other McCain on the accusations
UPDATE 1: Cain campaign disputes Politico report
Update 2: The Other McCain on the accusations
Bothering God
A "ring of prayer" is planned to protect occupiers in the grounds of the St. Paul's Cathedral from being evicted, reports London's left-wing Observer. Ironic, since Occupy London protesters have forced closure of the cathedral to worshippers for the first time since WW2.
The Unmanning of America
No Country for Burly Men: How feminists steered Obama's job creation efforts away from the men who were most desperately in need of it.
A powerful guide to Energygate
Are you confused by the complex web of revelations about the Department of Energy's often disastrous investments of your tax money, like the half-billion dollar farce of Solyndra? Doug Ross-- who has an exceptional talent for untangling tangled issues -- has a cheat-sheet here. He'll be updating it as more horrors emerge, as they inevitably will.
Four Quick Tips for OWSers
Tired of being hassled by The Man?
- Move out
- Get a job
- Pay your bills
- And do it now, while you still know everything.
Obama skirts his own ban on money from lobbyists
Skirting a his own pledge not to take money from lobbyists, President Obama has used prominent supporters active in the lobbying industry to raise millions of dollars for his re-election bid, says this report in The New York Times. Our eagle-eyed New York correspondent alerted us last night to these breaking revelations which enabled us to be beat the Times and most of the blogosphere with our 3.47 a.m. post here.
Lobbyists 'still bankrolling Obama'
"We don't accept any money from special-interest groups or Washington lobbyists," the Obama campaign bragged in a recent email touting the $70 million raised last quarter by the campaign and the Democratic National Committee. But if you comb through the actual filings with the Federal Elections Commission, you see how misleading this claim is, says The Washington Examiner. More here.
Some Americans put their money where Warren's mouth is
When Warren Buffett complained that he should be taxed more, the reaction of many was: So? Send the Treasury a check. Well, some Americans have done just that, putting their money where Warren's mouth is, sending sizable voluntary donations to the Treasury. There's more here
The secret world of Rahm Emanuel
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"Shssssh" |
I've never tasted anything so-o-o delicious...
...as the irony of well-fed OWSers refusing to share their organic chicken, sheep's-milk-cheese salad and roasted beets with truly homeless people
The Dung Beetle Award goes to...
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Congratulations, Mayor Quan |
Britain 'must now exit the EU'
The hard-won agreement to avoid a European implosion has dramatic implications for America's closest ally. Julian Lindley-French, a distinguished strategic analyst, says the agreement is a bridge too far for Britain: "For someone who has spent much of his adult life believing in the essential unifying mission of Europe it is with the most profound sadness that I now call on Britain to leave the European Union. To save Greece, Britain has been sacrificed and given the stakes there was little alternative. However, for Britain to stay now would simply heap humiliation upon cost without influence and my proud, old, badly-led country deserves better than that." Read it all.
The blinding brilliance of OWSers
Who knew? These dazzling intellectual arguments advanced in Zucotti Park will surely make all of us rethink the role of government.
Student aid is another Obama fail
Unworkable, unjust, unaffordable, and it still doesn't get to the root of the problem.
[hat tip: Instapundit]
[hat tip: Instapundit]
Rock star President gets rock bottom results
Here's an excellent counterbalance to the fawning reception given to Obama by Jay Leno and a Democrat-packed audience on The Tonight Show. The always-interesting Crystal Wright who blogs at Black Conservative Chick has a devastating round-up of Obama's failures in office. Read it all.
Newt bounces back
With this week's New York Times/CBS poll showing Cain ahead of Romney, many have overlooked Newt Gingrich's 3rd place appearance. His campaign had looked all but dead, but he is now gaining surprising momentum. Yahoo's political blog The Ticket has more.
Obama and the scrofulous hordes
AP has a report on growing disgust and impatience with OWS protesters around country. There is an interesting exception. AP reports: "In Washington, protesters ... appear to be getting along with the police and the neighbors.
One activist, Wes Kirkpatrick, said he believes the demonstration in McPherson Square is benefiting from its location just blocks from the White House, and he does not expect the federal government to crack down. "It would be hypocritical for Obama to do anything because he legitimized our grievances publicly," he said. As we know, Obama is never hypocritical.
We Can't Wait ...
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Nor can we wait...
- For Obama to stop encouraging OWSers and instead tell them to reoccupy their parents' basements.
- For Michelle to re-grass the White House lawn and go back to Wholefoods for her vegetables
- For Obama to run out of stupid slogans
- For November, 2012
Today's Dung Beetle Award goes to...
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"Congratulations, Mayor" |
More die as protest draws cops away from crime patrols
Killings rise as OWS draws cops away from crime prevention. More people are dying, yet Nanny Bloomberg is still too spineless to act decisively against Owsers and enforce the law in Manhattan.
Sharia law to replace Qaddafi: Another Obama fail
Libya's transitional government leader, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil says that Islamic Sharia law will be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. Exactly who voted for this change in the new 'democratic' Libya heralded by President Obama?
Report slams US Iraq training
A State Department program to train Iraqi police lacks focus, could become "a bottomless pit" of American money and may not even be wanted by the Iraqi department it's supposed to help, say reports released by a U.S. government watchdog. Read the full story.
Obama to use executive power to break job stalemate?
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"We can't wait" |
Mr President, want to create jobs? Start here
The Future of Capitalism has reached No. 28 in its cost-free job-creation ideas. Anybody listening?
[h/t Instapundit]
[h/t Instapundit]
Why Democrats are winning the money war
With Democrats at such a low ebb, why are they winning the money war? Politico has some interesting answers.
Obamajoke of the Day
" Nice one!" |
'US kicked out of Iraq,' says Bachmann
Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann said that the United States had been "kicked out" of Iraq "by the very people we liberated," and President Obama's decision to withdraw was "more politically-based than military-based." CBS Interview here.
Laughing Conservative followers, always ahead of the game, had already heard the same opinion from Fitz n' Startz.
Laughing Conservative followers, always ahead of the game, had already heard the same opinion from Fitz n' Startz.
Obama's failed stimulus cost more than the 9-year Iraq war
Astonishing statistics from The Gateway Pundit, who's got figures to support them
How an international web caught Qaddafi
Ben Farmer, a British journalist in Serte, explains how an intricate international web of US, French and British military assets trapped Qaddafi. Farmer has some fascinating new details on how it all went down.
We're all losers in Obama's war with himself
Obama is at war with himself over Wall Street and the result is uncertainty for the economy, businesses, banks, investors, job-seekers -- everybody. Indecision has been a hallmark of this presidency and nowhere can it be seen more dramatically. Politico explains it all.
Hillary greets Qaddafi's death with laughter
Keith Koffler at White House Dossier thinks this video of Hillary Clinton laughing at Qaddafi's death shows disturbingly unprofessional behavior. Loathsome as Qaddafi was, no civilized person should publicly -- even if metaphorically -- dance on someone's grave. Least of all should our Secretary of State do so.
MISSION BOTCHED: The growing evidence of a major Obama fail
The three ' Mission Botched' posts below indicate growing evidence of a disastrous Iraq failure by the Obama adminstration. Read and weep.
Mission Botched: Administration 'bungled' Iraq negotiations
The magazine Foreign Policy says the Obama Administration bungled negotiations over an Iraq withdrawal and will leave behind a dangerous power vacuum for Iran to exploit. Read it all.
Mission Botched: Obama's announcement 'dismays' top military
President Obama’s announcement that all American troops would leave Iraq by the end of the year dismayed some top American military officials who see it as Obama putting the best face on a breakdown in negotiations with the Iraqis, according to the New York Times.
Mission Botched: Was the US booted out of Iraq?
American Thinker has an interesting -- and disturbing -- take on the complete US withdrawal from Iraq. Read it all.
Walesa makes U-turn on OWS protest
Lech Walesa has decided he won't attend the OWS protest after he learned of Hard Left involvement. More here.
Biden's crime 'figures' are plain wrong
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"See, I nearly fooled 'em" |
Time to get really Furious
We always try to give credit where it's due, even to the Puffington Host: so congratulations to their crime writer Diane Diamond who this week has produced a gutsy indictment of the Fast and Furious debacle and its cover-up. When will the MSM similarly man-up and cover this breathtaking outrage as it should be covered?
Zap a buck to Zilla
She's a stalwart of the Conservative blogosphere, always there when others need support. It is she who needs it now. Please help.
Iraq war won before Obama even took office
Reminder: we won the Iraq war before Obama even took office.
Cain/Gingrich in 2012?
Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection finds himself being pulled towards Newt Gingrich's gravitational field. A Cain/Gingrich ticket has undeniable appeal and inside/outside the Beltway balance. And did you know Gingrich can be funny? Video below:
Source of some Obama campaign contributions questioned
Doug Ross has a fascinating and disturbing post on the source of some of Obama's 2008 online campaign contributions. Ross warns on the need to be alert for tactics like these in the 2012 campaign.
Federal stimulus money for Oregon jobs went to foreign workers
Federal stimulus money for Oregon jobs hired foreign workers. At least $7 million in federal stimulus money intended to provide jobs to unemployed Oregonians instead paid wages to 254 foreign workers. Your tax dollars at work under Obama.
ATF 'Ignored Death Threats, Tried to Frame Whistleblower'
"ATF Ignored Death Threats, Tried to Frame Whistleblower Agent to Cover Corruption", says the headline on a stunning report by Katie Pavlich at Town Hall. This is potentially so damaging to the Administration, Eric Holder, and the upper levels of the ATF that it is tempting to wonder if the timing of the announcement on Iraq withdrawal was not a deliberate distraction. Read Pavlich's remarkable report in full.
US begins total troop pull-out from Iraq
Mission not accomplished: President Obama has announced that all US troops will be pulled out of Iraq by the Holidays. Political expediency going into an election year appears to be the main motivation for a total pull-out: US military officials reportedly wanted to leave a force of 5,000 as trainers and to help deter Iran from interfering in the country. The stumbling block is said to have been refusal by Iraq to give US soldiers immunity from prosecution under Iraqi laws.
Given the extreme likelihood of covert or overt incursions from Iran, and Iraq's need for continued US funding and military hardware, it's hard to believe more pressure couldn't have overcome this. But our leader is not exactly famed for tough negotiating. ABC News has details
Given the extreme likelihood of covert or overt incursions from Iran, and Iraq's need for continued US funding and military hardware, it's hard to believe more pressure couldn't have overcome this. But our leader is not exactly famed for tough negotiating. ABC News has details
What Steve Jobs told Obama
"You're headed for a one-term presidency," Steve Jobs told Obama at the start of a meeting of the two men, adding that the administration needed to be more business-friendly. As an example, Jobs described the ease with which companies can build factories in China compared with the United States, where "regulations and unnecessary costs" make it difficult. These details are revealed in an official biography, by Walter Isaacson.
Jobs also criticized America's education system, saying it was "crippled by union work rules," noted Isaacson. "Until the teachers' unions were broken, there was almost no hope for education reform." Jobs proposed allowing principals to hire and fire teachers based on merit, that schools stay open until 6 p.m. and that they be open 11 months a year. The Huffington Post has more
Billions paid in erroneous tax credits
Fisker fiasco accelerates
ABC has a comprehensive story on the Fisker farce where half a billion dollars of US taxpayer money went to jobs outsourced to Finland ( see our earlier post here)
Half billion loan for 'Solyndra on wheels?'
Another outrageous Energy Dept. farce: a half billion dollar US loan for super-luxury "green" cars that do 20 m.p.g., and are made in Finland.
[Hat tip: Instapundit]
[Hat tip: Instapundit]
O to appear on LenO
Barack Obama is to appear on The Tonight Show on Tuesday. Leno's gag writers will have a ball.
"Knock. Knock"
"Who's there?"
"O" who?"
"O" who?"
"Knock. Knock"
"Who's there?"
"O" who?"
"O" who?"
Too much aid to Israel?
In the Washington Post, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter and columnist Walter Pincus says "it is time to examine the funding the United States provides to Israel."
Why is it OK to be anti-Mormon?
Historian Jonathan Zimmerman examines a fascinating prejudice: You can’t be openly racist, sexist, or anti-Semitic in America. But anti-Mormon? Go for it.
Maybe a White House run by Mitt Romney or Jon Huntsman will shine enough light on actual Mormons to make us put aside the fears and fantasies about them. Read it all.
Maybe a White House run by Mitt Romney or Jon Huntsman will shine enough light on actual Mormons to make us put aside the fears and fantasies about them. Read it all.
The A-to-Z of Obama nicknames
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[via Brain Shavings] |
What's Right about Left?
"All the choices we've made have been the right ones," Obama tells Jake Tapper in an ABC interview.
For the record, all the choices 'we" have made have been not right but Left ones, from the massive Keynesian stimulus, through socialized medicine to squeezing "the rich". They have all worked so well...
For the record, all the choices 'we" have made have been not right but Left ones, from the massive Keynesian stimulus, through socialized medicine to squeezing "the rich". They have all worked so well...
'Greedy' corporations create first effective malaria vaccine
World's first malaria vaccine effective in major trial: Those greedy capitalists are at it again: saving hundreds of thousands of lives.
Are you smarter than a Wall Street occupier?
Try this pop quiz from New York Magazine to see how you rate against the zombies of Zuccotti Park.
Moonbat energy fail
Windmills stopped at night after bat death. A Pennsylvania wind farm is being shut down at night to prevent harm to an endangered bat species. They hibernate from November to spring, but then what? No power at night? Another moonbat renewable energy fail.
Obama's teleprompter truck stolen
A truck containing all President Obama's road-show equipment for his bus tour, including teleprompters, is missing. He must be speechless.
Crumbling Europe: A Basic Guide
Doug Ross has a clear, basic guide to the financial catastrophe threatened by Obama-style socialism in Europe. Even some Democrats should be able to understand it. It's all here.
Wall Street turnout a major fail
William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection: "The Occupy Wall Street movement momentum is a media creation. As Walter Shapiro wrote a few days ago, the reality of relatively small crowds does not justify the “whole world is watching” coverage.
Yes, even small crowds can generate the impression of momentum, particularly when the President of the United States finds it convenient to use them for his own political purposes." Read it all.
Yes, even small crowds can generate the impression of momentum, particularly when the President of the United States finds it convenient to use them for his own political purposes." Read it all.
Why Obama scares me: Quote of the Day
Keith Koffler at White House Dossier: "President Obama is intensifying his identification with the Occupy Wall Street movement.
This is truly frightening.
It would be one thing for Obama to practice benign neglect, to communicate that everyone has a right to protest without really commenting on the movement itself.
But it must be unprecedented for a president of the United States to suggest an affinity for radical leftists who despise capitalism and seek to upend the economic and political system."
Read it all
Read it all
OK, brave lefties, occupy these:
When do the following ‘Occupy(s)’ start?
Occupy Tehran
Occupy Pyongyang
Occupy Havana
Occupy Caracas
Occupy Harare
Occupy Damascus (may have already started)
Occupy Beijing (actually that did happen in 1989 - sadly it didn’t end well)
--Reader comment on Tim Blair
Cain 43! Obama 41!
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Cain gains |
Obama's brilliance just too dazzling for Republicans to comprehend
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"Brilliant? Moi? " |
President embraces divisive 99% slogan
They've drawn support from communists, nazis and some have openly shown antisemitism. Yet Barack Obama is now embracing the OWS "99%" slogan to differentiate the majority of Americans from the wealthy. The 'leader' who promised to unify the nation is now stoking class war. Read The Gateway Pundit: "In a call previewing Obama’s upcoming bus tour through North Carolina and Virginia, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama “will continue to acknowledge the frustration that he himself shares,” about Washington’s laggard response to the financial crisis.
Earnest added that while on the trip, Obama will make it clear that he is fighting to make certain that the “interests of 99 percent of Americans are well represented” — the first time the White House has used the term to differentiate the vast majority of Americans from the wealthy." Read it all
'Occupy Chicago' mobs cheer and applaud Communists
(And remember Obama has given OWS rhetorical support!)
Earth calling Barbara Lee...
California Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee claims she refuses to use self-check-out lanes in supermarkets because she wants to save jobs. An eminent economist penned this riposte to the California dreamer.
Where we lead, Leno follows
We invented the Iran monkey joke before Jay Leno's gag-writers. See this Newsy video report. Newsy is a video/ news aggregation site that's a promising resource.
Energy Dept. adviser raised $500,000 for Obama
Steve Spinner, an Energy Department adviser who pushed for California solar company Solyndra to receive a half-billion federal loan guarantee, has raised more than $500,000 for President Obama's re-election campaign, AP reports.
Now Nazis, Communists back OWS
The American Nazi Party and the Communist Party of the USA are both lending their support to Occupy Wall Street. Gateway Pundit has the story. The naive and scrofulous hordes probably think this is good news.
Protest perils for the Corporatist-in-Chief
Interesting insight from Dick Morris: "The fact is that Obama is less a socialist than a corporatist. His objective is not government ownership, but government management. To control the economy — and all of our lives — he needs to get rid of small banks and small business and consolidate it all in a few big banks and big corporations; hence his friendliness to Goldman-Sachs and General Motors. When wealthy tycoons go to dinners and give Obama $35,000 donations, they know what they are doing. It is not liberal Democratic masochism at work, it is a conscious investment in central planning where big labor, big government, big business and big banks meet and divvy up the pie..." Read it all
The Dung Beetle Award goes to...
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'I'd like to thank the Academy..." |
How do cops detect OWS protesters?
Question: How do cops detect Occupy Wall Street protesters?
Answer: they turn off their sirens and wait to hear if the whining continues.
Answer: they turn off their sirens and wait to hear if the whining continues.
Hang 'em and shoot 'em, says smirking protester
Hang 'em and shoot 'em, says this 'peaceful' protester.
Sssshhh! Part of Obama health program is quietly amputated
The Obama administration says it's not going forward with CLASS, a long-term care program in the president's signature health care overhaul law, because it is financially unworkable. The news came at 4.30 pm Friday, the traditional timing for a news release to draw as little attention as possible. Ssshh!.. just another Hope that needed Change.
Obama Unleashes the Dogs of Envy

Read it all.
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