
Cartoon: Michael Ramirez

[Investors Business Daily]

Ted Cruz sez...

“President Obama, could have been a unifying leader...Instead, Obama “has made decisions that I think have inflamed racial tensions, that have divided us rather than bringing us together.”


Cartoon: Rick McKee

[The Augusta Chronicle]

When is a protester not a protester?

When referring to individuals who have committed crimes in Baltimore, don’t describe them as “protesters,” advises NPR Standards and Practices Editor Mark Memmott. [Source]


Anarchy in Baltimore, National Guard called out

 A CVS drug store burns as Maryland's governor calls out the National Guard to help deal with thugs who attacked police, torched patrol cars, and staged widespread looting sprees following the funeral for Freddie Gray, who died in police custody. Police report at least 15 officers injured and 27 people arrested.


Ted Cruz sez...

Ted Cruz says same-sex marriage has produced "rabid zealotry in Democratic ranks, which is excluding people of faith.   “Today’s Democratic Party has become so radicalized for legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states that there is no longer any room for religious liberty."


Cruz warnz GOP

Republicans will lose the 2016 presidential election if they nominate an "establishment" GOP candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz  has told Newsmax TV.  Cruz predicted that a candidate in the mold of a Mitt Romney, John McCain, or Bob Dole will nearly guarantee that Democrat Hillary Clinton wins the White House. [ECS]

Ted Cruz Sez...

"The Constitution makes clear that Congress must approve international agreements like the one President Obama is negotiating with Iran.  A nuclear Iran is the single greatest threat to our national security and also poses an unacceptably high risk to Israel. Reviewing this deal and deciding whether or not to consent to it may well be the most important function of this Congress. It is not something that should be rushed, and it is imperative that, at the very least, the President obtain majority support for his deal from both Houses of Congress before moving forward..."


Cartoon: Nate Beeler

[The Columbus Dispatch]

Cartoon: Rick McKee

[The Augusta Chronicle]

Uranium is kryptonite to the Clintons

Forget the email server. The revelation that a Canadian mining company with close ties
to the Clinton Foundation sold its uranium business to the Russians with approval from Clinton's State Department—is more damaging than any previous controversy in her campaign.

Cartoon: Aftermath


Ted Cruz Sez:

 Ted Cruz slammed the new Senate Republican majority Sunday for refusing to block Loretta Lynch’s nomination as Attorney General. He said that the Republican majority could continue to block the nomination if they wanted to and it’s something he’s urged them to do because of her admitted intention to run the DOJ just as Eric Holder did.  Read more:    [ECS]

Cartoon: Rick McKee

[The Augusta Chronicle]

Ted Cruz Says:

"The Framers built checks and balances into the Constitution to prevent the President or any other branch of government from consolidating and wielding all power.  “The accumulation of all powers . . . in the same hands,” wrote James Madison, is “the very definition of tyranny.” But these checks and balances have failed to stop President Obama’s lawlessness." [ECS]

Joke of the Day

A man sits in a saloon in rural Colorado, far from home, when Barack Obama comes on TV. The man looks at the TV and says,"Obama is a horse's patoot:  A local punches him in the face, knocking him off his bar stool, then stomps out. The man gets back up, rubs his cheek and orders another beer. Soon after, Michelle Obama appears on the TV. The man says,"She's also a horse's patoot." Another local punches him in the other side of the face The man gets back up and looks at the bartender, "I take it this is Obama country? ""Nope,” replies the bartender, "Horse country."


Ted Cruz says:

“We have seen over the last six years, [the Obama] administration has been the most antagonistic administration in the history of this country to the nation of Israel,”  Sen. Ted Cruz told a gathering in New Hampshire.  “The president boycotted Prime Minister Netanyahu’s recent speech, which had a clarity, a moral gravity, a recognition of the threat that is coming from Iran, a nuclear Iran, and I believe we are reliving Munich in 1938 under the Obama administration with this misguided policy.”

Cartoon: Gary McCoy

[Cagle Cartoons]

Dim Crim: Extremist shoots self in foot

AN ISLAMIC EXTREMIST accused in the death of a young mother accidentally shot himself, leading police to an arsenal of heavy weapons he was planning to use in an imminent attack on one or more churches, according to French Prime Minister Manuel Vall.


Cartoon: Nate Beeler

[The Columbus Dispatch]

Ted Cruz says:

"Obama is a disaster because he’s an unmitigated socialist, what he believes is profoundly dangerous, and he’s undermined the Constitution and the role of America in the world. I think the test we ought to apply is not what job title a person had. I think the test we ought to have is: Who has stood up and fought?” Source


Progress Notes for Patient 540463: OBAMA, Barack H.

4/20/2015: Valerie Jarrett called, anxious about Patient's  condition and asked me to make a house call.  I made my way to the family quarters, where I found patient lying face down on the hideous brown sofa, beating feebly at the faux velvet. "Salary!" he sobbed. "Must have salary for Michelle, or she will torture me again." Judging by his high level of paranoia, he had been at the stash of weed in the secret compartment of the Resolute Desk. I inserted a modest injection of Ativan into his skinny butt. "Keep him away from weed, and Michelle," I told Jarrett. "He'll calm down within in an hour or so." Dictated by S.H. Rink, M.D.


Australia, Iran to share I.S. info

Australia and Iran have reached a tentative intelligence sharing agreement to combat Islamic State militants fighting in the Middle East, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reports. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said the countries had a common purpose in defeating Islamic State extremists.

Ted Cruz says:


First lesbian President?

Blogger Da Tech Guy has an intriguing scenario:  "You're Hillary Clinton and you’re running for president and things don’t look good:
 Nobody can name an accomplishment of yours.
People presume that you are a liar, based on Emailgate.
You’re having the worst campaign launch in the history of history.
and finally, despite the best efforts of the media the “First woman president” card isn’t moving or guilting people into supporting you."It’s rapidly reaching the point where you are looking vulnerable.  You need to change the dynamic.  What do you do?  asks Da Tech Guy. "You become the first of something else.
The National Enquirer  now claims that some of the presidential candidate’s famously “deleted” emails are packed full of lesbian references and lovers’ names.
Mere tabloid titillation? " Maybe... but remember that it was the Enquirer that exposed the John Edwards affair. Read it all

Socialist medicine: UK faces funding emergency

The former head of Britain’s National Health Service, Sir David Nicholson,  has warned that “emergency action” may be needed to shore up NHS finances.
In a  BBC interview, Sir David – who ran the NHS in England for eight years – said that because there was an election period, the NHS was unable to publish the latest report on its financial position.
But he said it was “pretty clear in the NHS that there is a substantial financial problem, particularly in the hospital sector” which would become “crystal clear” in the autumn when the NHS would have to take “emergency action” such as vacancy freezes.


Barack Obama's Diary: Bombs away!

Dear Diary: Valerie Jarrett wanted to do me a favor while I was in rainy Charlotte, N.C. today. She arranged for some guy from Florida to over-fly the South Lawn in a gyrocopter and drop a choom bomb that she could collect at leisure and hand over to me as a nice surprise. Alas, the pilot lacked fine control, dropped the choom okay, but then  provoked widespread alarm by crash-landing in the vicinity of  Congress. Oops.


Joke of the Day...

Investigative sources in California say that radical Muslims are planning to go on a rampage in the city of Los Angeles, killing anyone who is a U.S. citizen.  Police officials fear the death toll could be as high as 9. [TG]


Kiss of death: Bam backs Hillary

Kiss Of Death: Obama Says Hillary “Is My Friend, She Would Make An Excellent President.”

Socialist medicine in action: UK health system 'near collapse'

Sir Bruce Keogh, medical director of NHS England, says the health service needs a “complete transformation” to make it less reliant on hospitals. If changes aren’t made, England “may be forced to abandon free care for all.”  A watchdog agency has been reporting since 2013 that the UK healthcare system is on the brink of collapse.

Cartoon: Rick McKee

[The Augusta Chronicle]


Cartoon: Nate Beeler

[Columbus Daily Dispatch]

Hillary 'to announce run on Sunday'

Britain's Guardian newspaper is claiming the exclusive news that Hillary Clinton will launch her presidential campaign on Twitter while flying to Iowa on Sunday.


Judge stands firm against Obama's amnesty

Finally a judge who won’t let Barack Obama trash the Constitution. Obama is doing what he wants anyway. He is allowing illegals – minors and adults – to come into the country and he’s calling them refugees so they receive all available benefits, work permits, and are put on the citizenship line.
District Judge Andrew Hanen called the administration’s claims in the immigration case ‘misleading’ and  ‘troublesome,’ adding that they ‘belied the facts’.
He said that “Any number of federal judges, given this misconduct, would consider striking the government’s pleadings.” Doing so would effectively end the case altogether, and Hanen wrote that he had decided not to take that action because the issues at stake are of great national importance.
The case was brought by the attorneys general of 26 states to stop the amnesty which will give work permits to millions of illegal aliens. [Source]


Cartoon: Gary McCoy

[Cagle Cartoons]

Thanks, Obamanomics

 A record 12,202,000 black people were not in the labor force in March, as the participation rate for this group declined over the month to 61.0 percent, according to data released from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
According to the BLS, the more than 12 million black people not in the labor force in March means that they did not have a job or actively seek one in the past four weeks. The number climbed from 12,122,000 in February to 12,202,000 in March, an increase of 80,000.