
Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary:  Oh My, haven't the GOP got their panties  in a bunch? I use a decree executive order to outmaneuver them over the DREAM Act  and they react as if I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds [that's a quote from an ancient Hindu scripture, the Baghavad-Gita, for those without the benefit of a superior education such as mine and the rigorous  intellect to make maximum use of it.]  I know what is best for this country and I won't let flyovers stand  in the way with "We the People"  faux outrage. I'm the President, so get over it, people. Coercion is sometimes needed when the common herd can't see what best for them. In this case what's best for them  is that I stay in power and get the maximum number of Latino votes. I was hoping  Joe would appear for our customary Saturday golf but  I think he is still sulking about my portraying him like a  blue collar miner, carrying a lunch bucket. I think that is admirably vivid, myself.  It's been an exhausting week, with all the executive orders I'm having to issue.  I'm calling it a day now, saying a prayer to myself and sliding into bed alongside M. I will pull Boo-boo my Blankey from under my pillow and drift off to sleep thinking of my  handsome profile on Mount Rushmore... Barry luv Boo-boo...um-num-num-um..zzzzz...